Changelog ========= 0.5.5 ^^^^^ * Return XMLHttpRequest from concreate functions as well as from function call. * Fixed django 1.5 compatibility: Content-Type have to be application/x-www-form-urlencoded otherwise Django discards POST data. * Fix JS generation errors * Fix @dajaxice_register legacy decorator ^^^^^^^ * Fix JS generation errors. 0.5.4 ^^^^^ * Fix JS generation errors. 0.5.3 ^^^^^ * Fix some Windows bugs. * Fix some JS generation errors. * Make dajaxice use CSRF_COOKIE_NAME. 0.5.2 ^^^^^ * Fix GET dajaxice requests in order to send args as part of the url. 0.5.1 ^^^^^ * Make django-dajaxice work with django 1.3 * Fix installation steps * Update json2.js 0.5 ^^^ * General Project clean-up * Django>=1.3 is now a requirement * Fixed numerous CSRF issues * Dajaxice now use django.contrib.staticfiles * Fix SERVER_ROOT_URL issues * Fixed js_core issues accepting multiple arguments * New upgraded documentation * Marketing site ( is now open-source * Fix JS generation issues * Travis-ci integration 0.2 ^^^ * Fix bug with the 'is_callback_a_function' variable in dajaxice.core.js * Fix bug with csrftoken in landing pages using dajaxice. * Improve reliability handling server errors. * Exception handling was fully rewritten. Dajaxice default_error_callback is now configurable using Dajaxice.setup. * Custom error messages per dajaxice call. * Dajaxice now propagate docstrings to javascript dajaxice functions. * Added DAJAXICE_JS_DOCSTRINGS to configure docstrings propagation behaviour, default=False. * Updated installation guide for compatibility with django 1.3 * dajaxice now uses the logger 'dajaxice' and not 'dajaxice.DajaxiceRequest' * Documentation Updated. ^^^^^^^ * Fixed bug #25 related to CSRF verification on Django 1.2.5 0.1.8 ^^^^^ * Add build dir to ignores * Remove MANIFEST file and auto-generate it through * Add MANIFEST to ignores * Include examples and docs dirs to source distribution * Add long_description to * Fixed Flaw in AJAX CSRF handling (X-CSRFToken Django 1.2.5) 0.1.7 ^^^^^ * Fixing dajaxice callback model to improve security against XSS attacks. * Dajaxice callbacks should be passed as functions and not as strings. * Old string-callback maintained for backward compatibility.(usage not recommended) * New documentation using Sphinx * Adding a file with a helper decorator to register functions (Douglas Soares de Andrade) 0.1.6 ^^^^^ * Fixing registration bugs * Added some tests 0.1.5 ^^^^^ * Now dajaxice functions must be registered using dajaxice_functions.register instead of adding that functions to DAJAXICE_FUNCTIONS list inside This pattern is very similar to django.contrib.admin model registration. * Now dajaxice functions could be placed inside any module depth. * With this approach dajaxice app reusability was improved. * Old style registration (using DAJAXICE_FUNCTIONS) works too, but isn't recommended. * New tests added. 0.1.3 ^^^^^ * CSRF middleware buf fixed * Improved production and development logging * New custom Exception message * New notify_exception to send traceback to admins * Fixed semicolon issues * Fixed unicode errors * Fixed generate_static_dajaxice before easy_install usage * Fixed IE6 bug in dajaxice.core.js 0.1.2 ^^^^^ * New and cleaned 0.1.1 ^^^^^ * json2.js and XMLHttpRequest libs included * New settings DAJAXICE_XMLHTTPREQUEST_JS_IMPORT and DAJAXICE_JSON2_JS_IMPORT 0.1.0 ^^^^^ * dajaxice AJAX functions now receive parameters as function arguments. * dajaxice now uses standard python logging * some bugs fixed 0.0.1 ^^^^^ * First Release